Sunday, April 13, 2014

Gummy Bear Implants -- Are They for You?
Today breast enhancement or augmentation implants are widely used to increase the size of  breasts and bring the body into better proportion. The result of this type of plastic surgery for many women includes a more positive body image and an increase in self-confidence. 
Women of a large variety of ages elect to use breast implants.  The average age is around 35 and the reasons for a desire to undergo breast augmentation vary:
  • Breast asymmetry
  • Post-pregnancy loss of volume and sagging
  • Breast reconstruction
  • Breast augmentation revisions of leaking or deflated implants
  • Augmentation revisions for capsular contracture

Natrelle® 410 style form stable “Gummy Bear” breast implants information:
  • Breast augmentation is performed on an out-patient basis
  • The placement of Natrelle® 410 style form stable “gummy bear” breast implants mcan be beneath breast tissue, partially beneath the pectoral or chest muscle, or a combination of the two
  • Breast augmentation is performed under general anesthesia
  • Return to normal activities of daily living is usually between 24-48 hours with minimal restrictions. Full sports activity - running, jogging, high impact aerobics is usually 4 weeks
There are a number of sizes and shapes available for the Natrelle 410 Gummy Bear:

Allergan Style 410ML (moderate height / low projection)
Allergan Style 410FM (full height / moderate projection)
Allergan Style 410FL (full height / low projection)
Allergan Style 410LL (low height / low projection)
Allergan Style 410MM (moderate height / moderate projection)
Allergan Style 410LM (low height / moderate projection)
Allergan Style 410FF (full height / full projection)
Allergan Style 410MF (moderate height / full projection)
Allergan Style 410LF (low height / full projection)
Allergan Style 410FX (full height / extra full projection)
Allergan Style 410MX (moderate height / extra full projection)
Allergan Style 410LX (low height / extra full projection)

Call, (619) 822-1667, or contact Dr. Diana Breister Ghosh today to find out more about breast augmentation and the new "Gummy Bear" implants!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Earlobe Repair and Ear Lobe Reconstruction

Today the practice of gauging earlobes in quite popular.  What this involves is placing spheres in the holes of the pierced ears to gradually stretch out the earlobe.  The purpose of gauging is to have the ability to wear larger gauged jewelry.  Most people can stretch their earlobes to about 6 mm, but usually beyond 6 mm the earlobe has a difficult time returning to normal size.  Once the elastic limit of the skin has been passed, or a large amount of tissue has been built up, the hole will not necessarily close; plastic surgery, however, can reconstruct the earlobe.


Many people find that after their ears have been stretched it is difficult finding employment.  It is for this reason that patients seek out earlobe repair or earlobe reconstruction.  The reconstruction process involves making some incisions in the stretched out earlobe and tightening up and recreating the earlobe so as to create a very esthetically pleasing earlobe.  The technique varies from patient to patient because the amount of earlobe stretching is different for each patient.  Some of the skin gets thinned out, and usually the thinner areas are excised or removed. 

Earlobe reconstruction is done as an outpatient procedure.  A local anesthetic is injected into the ears.  The earlobes are reconstructed and stitches are placed.  The patient then returns to the office in approximately 7-10 days for suture removal.  Most procedures have an excellent result, and patients are very pleased with their earlobe restored to normal.  

See Dr. Breister Ghosh's before and after earlobe reconstruction photos.

For more information or a free consultation about earlobe repair, please call our office at (619) 822-1667

Diana Breister Ghosh, M.D.
2275 Rio Bonito Way, Suite 220
San Diego, CA 92108

Friday, April 26, 2013

The Breast Lift

Breast LifeBreast lift surgery, or mastopexy, may be used in order to enhance breasts and correct breasts that droop or sag.   

By lifting the underlying breast tissue, the breasts can be reshaped into rounder, higher and more aesthetically pleasing forms.  If a larger breast size is desired, breast implants can be used simultaneously to increase the size of breasts. 

In general, the breasts often begin to change shape and sag around 30 years of age.  By this time a woman may be experiencing the effects of hereditary traits that influence her breast size and position or may have undergone hormonal changes, weight loss and / or pregnancies.
For example, in a pregnancy, as a woman undergoes hormonal fluctuations, there is usually a rapid growth in breast tissue followed by a post-pregnancy or post-breast-feeding loss of breast fat.  During this time also, supporting tissue and structures of the breasts may have been stretched, which may also cause post-pregnancy sagging.

The nipple and breast tissue may have loosened to varying degrees.   The most basic changes involve flattening of the upper breast while the nipple areolar complex remains above the lower breast crease. The degrees of drooping or sagging (breast ptosis) may be more noticeable when the nipple angle is revised to point toward the ground. 

Dr. Diana Breister Ghosh can talk with you about the best techniques for dealing with your own individual issues -- including the desired breast shape, scar location, preservation of sensation and lactation.   

During your physical exam and consultation with Dr. Ghosh, the specific techniques will be covered in detail with you.  Lesser degrees of ptosis can be treated by simply removing a small strip of tissue above the nipple and areola of the breast, then securing the nipple and areola into a new, higher position. 

Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation

You can contact Dr. Breister Ghosh's office for your own complimentary consultation and information about a breast lift or  breast lift and augmentation.  Find out if plastic surgery and a breast lift are right for you.  Contact the office of our board certified plastic surgeon and visit our office in the Mission Valley area of San Diego - Call (619) 822-1667 to schedule your free consultation today!


Friday, February 15, 2013

Breast Augmentation San Diego

89% of potential breast reconstruction and augmentation patients say they would like to see reconstructed breasts in order to know what to expect -

Even after a you research the basics about breast enhance, reconstruction or enlargement,
you may have specific questions about what to expect before breast augmentation surgery:

For example before breast surgery you may need to:

  •     Have a medical evaluation and lab tests
  •      Discuss your current medications and adjust, reduce or add certain medications
  •     Undergo a baseline mammogram before surgery and another post-surgery to aid in detecting  any  relevant changes in breast tissue
  •     If you smoke, stop smoking for weeks before the breast augmentation surgery
  •     Avoid certain drugs and foods such as aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs,herbal supplements, onions and so forth as they can increase bleeding

Special instructions you receive from Dr. Breister Ghosh will explain:

  •    What you need to to do prior to and on the day of surgery
  •     Exact steps for post-operative care and follow-ups

Dr. Breister Ghosh will also talk with you about exactly where and how your procedure will be performed.

If your surgery is performed on an outpatient basis, you will need to make arrangements for
someone to drive you to and from the San Diego breast augmentation surgery and for someone to stay with you for at least the first night following 
your surgery.

Monday, December 31, 2012

You're Not Getting Older, You're Getting Better

Baby Boomers and even those beyond the Baby Boom generation are taking this literally according to reports of Plastic Surgeons around the country who indicate that over the last five years, the number of cosmetic surgery patients greater than age 65 has increased by 352 percent.

Our population may be aging chronologically, but not physically -- if plastic surgeons have anything to do with it.  

Any type of surgical procedure or operation poses risks, however, little research up to this point has been performed in order to analyze the ramifications of plastic surgery for older patients.   One recent report, published in June of 2011 in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, found that the hazards of plastic surgery performed for people over age 65 are no greater than those for younger populations.

Data reviews have provided positive indicators, such as those from Cleveland Clinic researchers who reviewed the medical records over a period of three years for 216 facelift patients. The report found that there were no significant differences between one group of patients whose average age was 70 and another group whose average age was 57.6 - for  occurrences of major or minor complications.

San Diego Plastic SurgeryThere are a multitude of reasons that older people may be seeking plastic surgery.  People are living longer, feeling better and remaining in good health much longer than previously.  Many people feel good, feel younger and are literally shocked by what their mirror reports to them.  Some Boomers and older, are interested in potential mates and others wish to continue their work, are looking for jobs or consulting positions and feel they need to be perceived as more energetic and youthful.

Some of the age-challenged are simply sick of heavily furrowed mouths and chins, baggy eyes, jiggly underarms, wrinkled necks and saggy eyelids.  Tucking a hand under a chin may no longer be doing the trick...

There are, of course, special precautions doctors must take into consideration with the older patient.  High blood pressure, coronary artery disease and other potential medical problems must be carefully evaluated prior to any procedure.  However, the older patient has at least one distinct advantage over the younger -- as research has indicated the more senior patient is less likely to suffer from prominent scarring (hypertrophic scars).

Contact Dr. Diana Breister Ghosh - (619) 822-1667 - for your own private consultation and evaluation for a New You this New Year!

DBG Plastic Surgery
San Diego / Mission Valley Location 

Diana Breister Ghosh, M.D.
2275 Rio Bonito Way, Suite 220
San Diego, CA 92108

Friday, December 28, 2012


Breast augmentation, breast enhancement, breast enlargement or simply breast implants all are terms used to describe the type of plastic surgery process desired by a woman seeking to enhance her appearances with more symmetrical or fuller breasts.  

Whether age, pregnancy, weight loss or other circumstances have resulted in the loss of breast volume and shape, breast augmentation performed by Dr. Diana Ghosh in San Diego can provide you with or renew the feminine figure that you desire.
Planning for Your Breast Augmentation (Implants)

In your initial consultation Dr. Diana Breister Ghosh will evaluate your health and explain which surgical techniques are most appropriate for you.  Her analysis will be based on the condition of your breasts, musculature, body frame and tone of your skin.

If you have sagging breasts, a breast lift may also be recommended in order to maintain the most natural results as well as provide or restore a sense of shapely harmony and balance.

- Breast Implant Considerations:
   Type of Implant
   Saline Breast Implant
   Silicone Breast Implant
- Type of Incision
   Periareolar Incision - at lower border of areola
   Inframammary Incision - within crease of breast fold
   Axillary Incision - within the underarm
- Position
   Submuscular - underneath the muscle
   Subglandular - beneath the breast gland
- Procedure
   Time: 1-3 hours
   Return to work: 4 to 7 days
   Return to Exercise:
              5 days (light cardio),
              3 weeks (more strenuous)

During your initial consultation with the board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Breister Ghosh, feel free to explain in detail  your breast augmentation desires and goals.  The doctor, a great listener, will take a careful medical history, complete an evaluation and  have comprehensive conversation with you in order to thoroughly understand your individual needs and aspirations.

Meticulous measurement and analyses will allow her to recommend the methods for breast implant placement as well as type of implants and procedures that are tailored to your medical and physical requirements.  She will also help you decide whether to use saline or silicone implants depending upon your own desires, needs and concerns.

If you are looking for additional procedures, Dr. Breister Ghosh can also discuss performing simultaneous procedures such as a breast lift (augmentation mastopexy), tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), liposuction and facial rejuvenation.
If you would like additional information about breast augmentation in San Diego and would also like to find out about breast enlargement techniques and breast implants best suited to you, please call our office and meet with Dr. Breister Ghosh in a private consultation at our office, located at 2275 Rio Bonito Way in Mission Valley, by calling (619) 822-1667.

DBG Plastic Surgery
San Diego / Mission Valley Location 

Diana Breister Ghosh, M.D.
2275 Rio Bonito Way, Suite 220
San Diego, CA 92108