Sunday, July 14, 2013

Earlobe Repair and Ear Lobe Reconstruction

Today the practice of gauging earlobes in quite popular.  What this involves is placing spheres in the holes of the pierced ears to gradually stretch out the earlobe.  The purpose of gauging is to have the ability to wear larger gauged jewelry.  Most people can stretch their earlobes to about 6 mm, but usually beyond 6 mm the earlobe has a difficult time returning to normal size.  Once the elastic limit of the skin has been passed, or a large amount of tissue has been built up, the hole will not necessarily close; plastic surgery, however, can reconstruct the earlobe.


Many people find that after their ears have been stretched it is difficult finding employment.  It is for this reason that patients seek out earlobe repair or earlobe reconstruction.  The reconstruction process involves making some incisions in the stretched out earlobe and tightening up and recreating the earlobe so as to create a very esthetically pleasing earlobe.  The technique varies from patient to patient because the amount of earlobe stretching is different for each patient.  Some of the skin gets thinned out, and usually the thinner areas are excised or removed. 

Earlobe reconstruction is done as an outpatient procedure.  A local anesthetic is injected into the ears.  The earlobes are reconstructed and stitches are placed.  The patient then returns to the office in approximately 7-10 days for suture removal.  Most procedures have an excellent result, and patients are very pleased with their earlobe restored to normal.  

See Dr. Breister Ghosh's before and after earlobe reconstruction photos.

For more information or a free consultation about earlobe repair, please call our office at (619) 822-1667

Diana Breister Ghosh, M.D.
2275 Rio Bonito Way, Suite 220
San Diego, CA 92108